Here is the Ragtag Daily Prompt for Thursday,  7 February 2019  —  MANUFACTURE.
Create a post (words/images/both) inspired by this word!

Link to this post by creating a pingback, or paste the URL of your post into the comments below. Then, tag your post – “Ragtag Daily Prompt”, “RDP” and “Manufacture”. 

We look forward to your contributions.

Kind Regards

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  1. I just wanted to add a few words to today’s contribution. I worked for a company for 30 years as export clerk that manufactured end mills. I saw many changes in the matrial used and various operations. We used stainles steel, carbide, and various coatings were developed, some making the end mill look as it was real gold, but all had their special purpose. I think I must be the first person that has written a poem about end mills.

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