Here is the Ragtag Daily Prompt for Thursday,  30 August 2018  —  TELEPORT.
Create a post (words/images/both) inspired by this word!  

Link to this post by creating a pingback, or paste the URL of your post into the comments below. Then, tag your post – “Ragtag Daily Prompt”, “RDP” and “Teleport”.   I hope people can have some fun with this one.

Please note that the URL for the post has the word taste in it which was my original choice of prompt word.  But I changed my mind to teleport, and now I’ve not idea why the URL link hasn’t updated with the new word.  Rest assured though that the link should still work for your pingbacks.  I think.  Anyway, give it a go.

Each day we have so many wonderful contributions.  Why not check some of them out.

Kind Regards

Struggling with your pingback?  Detailed instructions are provided on the Ragtag Community About page.


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