Ragtag Daily Prompt of the day : Ragabash

Ragabash : scoundrel, ragamuffin, idle worthless fellow, shiftless disreputable person.  Mass noun: rabble or riff-raff

Why?  I just love the way it sounds.


Create a new post inspired by today’s prompt.

Please tag it “RDP” and “Ragtag Daily Prompt”.  Also create a pingback to Ragabash (copying and pasting this link should work). If the pingback doesn’t work, copy your link in the comments below.  Do give pingbacks a little time to be approved as they need to be moderated to avoid spammers.


FYI: Ragabash is not in the offficial Scrabble dictionary but is in Oxford and in the 1913 Webster’s which  Wikitionary is based upon.




    1. it shouldn’t have gone out yet as it’s still 6/8 here and only 7pm. I had it scheduled for 1am 6/9/18 — I didn’t check which timezone you had the group set at though. I would have assumed the earliest would be East Coast which is only 10pm. But maybe we have Europeans in the group and I’m being American-centric so you set it earlier? I’ll go in and reset the time to 3 hours later.

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      1. Its a very curious thing, this timing. The clock for the site is set to universal (aka greenwich mean time). which means 12 noon universal is when posts theoretically go out. However, it seems that WP knows the home timezone of each poster and goes by that. I saw that with Tracy’s post Thursday, so set mine to go at 6am my time on Friday, and so it did.
        Quite odd. At least its out there!

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    1. Timezones do make things a bit more complicated. Used to be different, you mailed a letter and it took months to cross a sea so no one thought about timezones much. It’s amazing tht I can share music with a friend in Australia and another in Conecticut at the same time while chatting together — just one person has to stay up really late and one person gets up early. I feel like the little bear in the middle.

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  1. Just a note everyone. Got my car fixed ($400 starter) so on Saturday will be driving back to Tucson after I wake up and clean up. (Too worried about my car to drive on to San Jose as per my original plan) I’ll check things before I leave but there will probably be a 3-4 hour window when I’ll be on the road. So comments and pingbacks may have a slight delay during that period. My apologies in advance.

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    1. Sorry about that. The link was correct when the post first went out but it was published too early. When I reset the post to go out later, the url changed as it’s based on date and I didn’t catch that change in the permalink. I have fixed it and thanks for letting me know.

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  2. So–we just click on the pingbacks to find what others have written? And thanks so very much for setting up this site! I’m just now getting around to checking out some options, and I think I like this one best. LOVE today’s word, a new one for me 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yes, clicking on the pingback takes you there. Now that I’m getting the hang of it, its nice to be able to read a variety of responses. thanks for reading! And if you follow the page, you should get each day’s prompt as its published.

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