Ragtag Daily Prompt Thursday: Space

The prompt for today is Space.

Now-a-days we all need space. And the space of the vast unknown. The space that separates but at the same time connects us. How many ways you can find to interpret the prompt? Is it easy for our photographers and writers?  I am sure you will be creative.

Maybe you have words or photos that have inspire you to create a post using the word Space.  It can be anything – poetry, prose, a drawing, a photograph, wherever these words send you.

Compose a post on your interpretation of “Space” and let us know what the prompt means to you in words and/or pictures. You know the rules. Use #RagtagDailyPrompt #RDP as tags. Add photo challenge or #Photography if you’re sharing an image, as specific tags make your posts easier for fellow bloggers. Pingback your posts to this page or copy-paste your links in this posts comment thread. And while you’re around, browse through the other posts bloggers have posted.

Feel free to read, write, click, share. We love to hear and see it all!

Ragtag Daily Prompt, RDP


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