RDP Wednesday – SPLASH

Our prompt for today is “splash”.


~a sound made by something falling into liquid

~a prominent news feature or story


~to cause a liquid to fall on something in irregular drops

~to print a story or photograph in a prominent place in a newspaper or magazine

What does the word “splash” mean to you? Use it as a noun or verb and share your interpretation of the day’s prompt in words or pictures. You know the rules. Use “ragtag daily prompt” , “RDP” , and “splash” as tags. Add “photo” if you’re sharing a picture, as specific tags make your posts easier for fellow bloggers to find you. Pingback your posts to this page or copy-paste your links in the comment thread here. And while you’re around, browse through the other posts bloggers have worked on.

Feel free to read, write, click, share. We love to hear and see it all!


  1. Pingback: Lullaby – Sgeoil

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