RDP Friday: SHOP

Today’s Ragtag Daily Prompt is SHOP. Take one of its many meanings as your inspiration, and share your creation with us in the comments below via pingback. Have fun and thanks for participating.


  1. I can never find RDP’s posts. I usually find them in someone’s response. I went your HOME site and I STILL couldn’t find today’s prompt. I finally got it from Mrs. Angloswiss’s response. You’ve got a really elegant format, but a simple post which gives today’s prompt with the date would do the job better. Less elegant, but at least I could find the information!

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    1. I don’t know why this is happening, Marilyn. Each day’s prompt should appear in your feed. I checked and you are a Ragtag Daily Prompt subscriber. On the RDP homepage, the latest prompt should appear. I’m flummoxed, and this is clearly not my area of expertise. If I can figure out how to forward this to Ping, who set up our site, I will.


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