RDP Saturday – BURBLE

Ragtag Daily Prompt of the day : burble
Saturday, Octber 6, 2018

Create a new post inspired by today’s prompt. Feel free to be inspired to write fiction, nonfiction or create photos, art.

Words that sound the sounds they make have always been fun to me.  I hope you like this onomatopoeia.



1. low continuous murmuring noise

2. prattle

3. the breaking up of the smooth flow of air about a body (such as an airplane wing)

4. baby’s quiet happy nonsensical sounds


1. make a low continuous murmuring noise

2. make a bubbling sound, gurgle

3.  to babble, to prattle, to talk foolishly or too much

4. baby making quiet happy nonsensical sounds

Changing meaning: The meaning has changed over time. Used to mean to “bubble someone” which mean to cheat someone in the 14th century.  Then in the 19th century morphed into the bubbling sound running water makes or babies make.

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