Here is the Ragtag Daily Prompt for Thursday,  6th September 2018  —  BARK.
Create a post (words/images/both) inspired by this word!  

Link to this post by creating a pingback, or paste the URL of your post into the comments below. Then, tag your post – “Ragtag Daily Prompt”, “RDP” and “Bark”. 

It is my lovely Makea’s birthday so I thought I would choose a prompt word in her honour.  She does so love to bark!  Makea thinks you can do the most wondrous things with this word and she is looking forward to seeing your contributions, as well as having birthday ice cream.

Before I go, can I just say how much we appreciate Leaping Toes popping in from time to time and updating our feature photos.  Her choices are really wonderful, don’t you think?

Anyway, have fun.

Kind Regards

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